Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ethical Issue Essay

Food is a big issue in America today...whats good and whats bad?? Well I think that there is no real answer to that question. Even though we need food to live most of the time the things that we eat are killing us in a sense. Some things that you see say eat more greens and less meat and on the other hand there are people that say that meat is the way to go. I am a big meat fan. I like the vegtables also to go with the meat I just think that meat is a good part of any meal.
With that being said, I have an issue about the meats that you get from the grocery store. With all the things that they put in animals these days as far as hormones and steroids for better growth and production, I do not think that this is the way to go. I do not always buy organic things but I am very picky about my meat if I have to buy it from the store. I have been very fortunate to have been able to raise my own beef and pork since I was 10. When I go to the store and get meat there it is amazing how much that home grown beef or pork and store bought meat do not taste anything alike. Other than the processing and the time it sits before it reaches the customer, there is a reason that it tastes so off. That should be a red flag. But with all the theories out there about the things to eat and not to eat, I think the key to eating healthy is to stay away from the things that you know are bad for you and have a little bit of portion control.

1 comment:

Niki said...

I think this was a great essay. The points about meat processing and hormones and steroids very poignant. I found the fact that you raise your own meat interesting and the fact that you don't always buy organic but a picky about meat very honest.