Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ethical issue essay

The matter of cloning has been an ethical and moral issue from the beginning. Givin the many risks of cloning the sucess rate is very low. Even if the odds of sucess are increased, there is still problems that can arise during and after pregnancy. So the question is, is what is the possible implications of cloning to society. Some of the issues about cloning are discussed in this essay.
1.What are the benefits?
Some of the said benefits of cloning are that they can identify human disease genes and duplicate them for further study. Another benefit would be in agriculture. A farmer could clone his best stock and keep from contracting diseases. Also it is said that transplant patients can benefit from cloning. Scientists have inserted human DNA into animals and used them for transplates to replace diseased human parts.
2.What are the risks?
Some of the risks of cloning is tha there is a very low sucess rate. Many cloned aniamls die very quickly or are ill deformed. Although scientists may be able to fuse cells from two seperate sources, they cannot control whether the newly developed cell developes normally. The number of clones that actually make it face issues such as immune system problems, abnormally large organs, and other organ diseases.
3.What do I think of cloning?
I think that cloning is manipulating what should occur naturally. I feel that the sucess rate does not excede the failure status.Withtit not being tried and true I think that it is a waste of lives. Although the only way to get better sucess rates is to keep trying, I feel that they need to know more about it before continuing.
So with all the pros and cons of cloning, the cons out weigh the pros. Although this has aroused worldwide interest, it is still a big concern as far as the ethical and moral issues of this process goes. Due to the ineffieciency of animal cloning, I feel that there should be no human cloning.


Niki said...

Hi Shannon. Here is my peer review for your essay-

1. What are the two best features of the essay?

The essay is well organized and easy to read.

2. What are the two things that could most be improved?

Make sure to use spell check for typos.

3. What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon?

Not really since we are doing the same essay

4. What most surprised you in the essay?

See above

Great job! I think you did really well. Good luck with your nursing!


Nicolette said...

What are the two best features of the essay?

I think that this essay was simple and to the point with not jumbled babble to fill space!

What are the two things that could most be improved?

There were some typos.

What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon?

Nothing really different, but it wsa still great.

What most surprised you in the essay?

I have found that alot of people are doing the exact same essay but every one has put a little pit of different input into it.

Great job! i hope to see you in some more of my classes for nursing!
