Week 4

During week 4 the fertilized egg makes it home in the uterus. The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. At this point in the pregnancy the embryo is about the size of a pin head and is about one-hundredth of an inch long. This is when it starts to develop rapidly.
Week 10
The embryo is now refered to as a fetus. This is when the fetus begins movement as the muscles start to develop. Even though the movement begins at this point you cannot feel it because the fetus is still too small. It is about the size of a small strawberry. The neck is now taking shape and the ears and nose now become visible.
Week 15
This is when the second trimester begins. Movement of the legs and arms are starting and the baby can now make a fist. Toenails and fingernails are now becoming present. Now is when the tastebuds start to develope and he/she can start tasteing meals that the mom is eating. Also the roof of the mouth is completely formed at this time. He/she is approx. 4 in long.
Week 20

This is the mid point of the pregnancy! The baby can now hear and recognize moms voice. This is when you can start to feel the babies movement. This is also when the heart can be heard. The growth of hair on the body begins and the sex of the baby is now apparent. He/she is approx 7 in long.
Week 23
The bone in the inner ear is completely developed. This enables the baby to have a sense of balance and now he/she can move around more frequently. The baby can also suck now.
Week 27

This is when the third trimester begins. At approx. 2 lbs and approx. 14 in. long the baby appears now almost as it will at birth. The eyes can open and close and blink. This is when the retina is developing.
Week 30
The skin starts to smooth out at this point. In boys the testicles start to drop into to groin. They can now control their own body temperature. This is also where they start rapid weight gain and start to actually store the nutrients they are getting from mom. Now approx. 3 lbs and 16 in long.
Week 34

Now is when rapid growth is taking place. The fingernails are completely formed. The ears are now open when the baby is awake and closed when the baby is sleeping. At this point the baby has a good chance of survival outside the womb. At approx. 5.25 lbs and 18 ins long this is when the fat starts to accumulate on the baby.
Week 36
The fetus may start to drop into the birth canal. You also can start to feel contractions. The baby now weighs approx 6 lbs. The kidneys and the liver in the baby start to process things but the lungs still need to develope.
Week 38
Developement of the baby is mostly complete. At this point for the most part the baby has reached its final birht position. Also may have a full head of hair. Moms weight will not increase much from now until the time of birth.
Week 40

This is said to be the final week! Although only about 5 % of women have their baby on the said due date, most women give birth within 2 weeks before or after that date. This is when the baby will settle into the fetal position with his/her head down. The baby is now completely developed and ready to see the world!
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