Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ethical Issues Essay


  • USA-Obesity

  • Consumer-marketing

  • Physical activity-or not


Here is the USA obesity is obviously a problem that is on the rise. It seems that over time this problem keeps getting worse and worse. It is a major problem in the younger generations and these seems to be the generations that are going to impact our future. It is sad that over time, our children have gotten more reliant on video games and television to get their entertainment therefore not getting out and finding things to do to occupy themselves with physical activity. With technology on the rise these modern advantages are really not such good things. And it seems that as the generations progress so does technology and promotions of these things and so does obesity. Also many of the fast food corporations focus on our younger generations.


As I stated before many of the fast food restaurants are focusing on our younger generations. In their marketing they are using more cartoons and kid related icons to promote their food. It is also more readily available for them to get to. With the economy the way that it is, parents are being forced to work more to make ends meet and they do not have the time anymore to make lunches for their children therefore they are resorting to just giving them money to go out and eat. With this happening, the lack of nutritional foods is not there and cannot be regulated. Also with the economy and parents working all the time we tend to resort to making things so readily available for quickness and convenience so the physical activity is going out the window. Back in the old days people had to work hard to make their homes and find food just to survive. It was a way of life and they did not know any better but they were also in way better shape and did not have the obesity problems that we do now.

Physical activity-or not

I do not think that kids and/or adults are not physically active enough. Promotions are all over on gyms and exercise programs but who has the time for that in their busy work and school schedules. I think that the time is there I just think that it gets put on the back burner because of the lifestyles that we live. With all this being said I feel that the obesity problem has been on the rise for many years and is not getting any better.


Nicolette said...

What are the two best features of the essay?

I thought how well written it is was awsome. Also i thought it was well organized

What are the two things that could most be improved?

I cant think of anything

What is something new that the essay made you think or reflect upon?

Not much because i am doing the same one! Although i thought that her perspective on it was great

What most surprised you in the essay?

Hmm.. again not much!

Niki said...

The essay is very well written and flows smoothly.

The essay is very good the way it is.

I did the same essay, so I already reflected!