This is a model of a cell using play-doh, candles, stiro foam, paint, tooth picks, shoestrings, and glue.

The red around the edges of the foam is the plasma membrane. The plasma membrane is the outer layer of the cell that controls what goes in and out of the cell. This contains lipids and protiens.

The red around the edges of the foam is the plasma membrane. The plasma membrane is the outer layer of the cell that controls what goes in and out of the cell. This contains lipids and protiens.
The small bundles of yellow candles represents the centriole. The centiole is an organelle consisting of microtubules.
The purple/yellow represents the nucleus which is the control center of the cell that contains the DNA of the cell.It has control over the structure and function of the cell. The purple is the nuclear envelope and the nuclear pores. The nuclear envelope is surrounding the nucleus and the nuclear pores are minute openings in the nuclear envelope that allow things to pass in and out of the nucleus. The yellow in the picture represents the chromatin. This is threadlike fibers that contain the DNA and the protiens in the nucleus.
The red string is the golgi complex. This is flattened membranes that has channels in which molecules are chemically modified and sorted.
The tooth picks represent cytoplasm. This is material that occupies the cytoplasmic compartment.
The tooth picks represent cytoplasm. This is material that occupies the cytoplasmic compartment.
The shostrings represent two things, the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smmoth endoplasmic reticulum. The rought has small dots of yellow on it and it is covered in ribosomes. The smooth is just the string and it has no ribosomes.
The light blue dot is the lysosome. This is a membrane bond organelle that contains enzymes
The light blue oval with the yellow in the middle is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is where the citric acid cycle and the electron transport system is.

The light blue oval with the yellow in the middle is the mitochondria. The mitochondria is where the citric acid cycle and the electron transport system is.
And here is a picture of the final product of the cell.
Here is a picture of DNA replication. The process of DNA replication is where the DNA strand seperates and duplicates forming two seperate strands each of which has a DNA double helix.
1 comment:
Shannon Bowser
This is an exemplary review. Nice images…well organized,….good text explaining everything and you even cite the source of your images.
Keep it up!
This is perfect. Great images, nice background on microscopes and good job expaining all the pieces of the scope.
The images look perfect. I didn’t see the rest of the write-up which includes explaining the images and defining some terms in genetics??
Please don’t forget to do your peer color group feedback on their ethical issues essays—you’ll probably find it interesting to see some other blogs also. And get started on Unit II if you haven’t already. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this feedback or your grades which can be seen on the YC Blackboard site.
Shannon, the work that is here is great. But this unit should also include another compendium review on genetics, the build-a-cell lab, and your ethics issue essay, along with a self/unit eval. Did you not realize all this is included…or thinking of dropping? Let me know. I can still grade those things if you get them done soon!
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