Scientific name: lycopersicon esculentum L
common name: tomato
Interaction: commensal and symbiotic
I think that this species was domesticated over the years from Peru to Mexico and eventully to here. People have used to tomatoe over the years for their seeds for spiritual reasons and to actually eat the tomatoe itself.

Scientific name:lactuca sativa
common name:lettuce
Interaction:commensal and symbiotic
Lettuce actually started out as a weed. It has gotten very domesticated over the years with many uses and Christopher Columbus introduced it into the world.

Scientific name:zea mays
common name:corn
Interaction:commensal and symbiotic
Corn would not exsist if it werent for humans. I would say it is very much domesticated. If it were not for people planting and protecting corn it would not be here.

Scientific name:Arachis hypogaea L.
common name:peanut
The peanut that we know today is very much domesticated. There are several species of the peanut that are still wild but the most common peanut is domesticated

Scientific name:Fragaria virginiana
common name:strawberry
Interaction:commensial and sybiotic
Strawberries are very domesticated. They have been changed and bred over the years to get what we know today as the strawberry. They are one of the only fruits that seed on the outside.

Scientific name:Medicago sativa ...
common name:hay
Interaction:Alfalfa, also known as lucerne in many other countries, is the most important forage crop in the United States. I would say that is domesticated as it was started here in the US.

Scientific name:Crotalus lepidus klauberi
common name:snake
They are definately not domesticated.

Scientific name:Eragrostrum spectablis
common name:grass
Interaction:commensial and sybiotic
I would say that grass is domestic. It was started and grown here in the US and over time people have made different types and uses for grass

Guinea Pig
Scientific name:cavia porcellus.
common name:guinea pig
One theory is that the guinea pig was brought here from Europe. They are not from New Guinea and they are not a pig so where it got its name is unknown. I would say that they are domesticated cause they are now pets.

Beta fish
Scientific name:Ikan Bettah
common name:fish
These are a common freshwater fish that I would say is domesticated. I could not find much information on where they originated.

Scientific name:Mus musculus
common name:mouse
The mouse has definately become domesticated over time. It is used for observations and experiments and have been a controlled specie in that environment. They also are a pest in the wild.

Scientific name:felis domesticus
common name:cat
Interaction:symbiotic and commensal
Over the years the cat has been domesticated. It was derived from the wild and has been tamed and used for domestic purposes such as pest control and companionship

Scientific name:canine
common name:dog
Interaction: commensal and sybiotic
The dog has also been domesticated over the years and has several uses such as companionship, working, aid for disabled, protection, law enforcement...ect

Palo verde tree
Scientific name:Cercidium floridum
common name:tree
I would not say that this tree is domesticated but it is our state tree.

Scientific name:equus caballus
common name:horse
Interaction:commensal and sybiotic
The horse is definately domesticated. It originated from what was known as the eohippus which was only about 3 feet tall and had three toes on each foot. It has evolved to what is now known as the horse that has many uses also such as riding, working and pulling a cart

Scientific name:bovine
Common name:cow
They have been said to have been domesticated for over 10000 years. They provide
many things such as meat, milk, and work.
Scientific name:Sus domesticus
Common name:pig
Pigs, also called hogs or swine, are ungulates which have been domesticated as sources of food, leather, and similar products since ancient times
Scientific name:Gallus domesticus
Common name:chicken
Interaction:symbiotic and commensal
The chicken is definately domesticated. It provides things such as eggs and meat.
Scientific name:Triticum aestivum
Common name:wheat
The origin of oats is somewhat unclear because there are so many different species and subspecies, which makes identification of old remains very difficult. It is domesticated and has several uses
Scientific name:Musca domestica
Common name:flies
The house fly is found world wide and was first recorded in Hawaii in 1869. It is definately not domesticated and is quite the pest.
Scientific name:Ctenocephalides
Common name:fleas
I am not too sure of their origin and I would not say they were domesticated.Unlike some pests encountered around the home, fleas cause discomfort and irritation to both pets and people. Fleas account for more than half of all dermatological conditions requiring veterinary assistance.