Monday, May 12, 2008

List of Species Lab

Scientific name: lycopersicon esculentum L
common name: tomato
Interaction: commensal and symbiotic
I think that this species was domesticated over the years from Peru to Mexico and eventully to here. People have used to tomatoe over the years for their seeds for spiritual reasons and to actually eat the tomatoe itself.

Scientific name:lactuca sativa
common name:lettuce
Interaction:commensal and symbiotic
Lettuce actually started out as a weed. It has gotten very domesticated over the years with many uses and Christopher Columbus introduced it into the world.

Scientific name:zea mays
common name:corn
Interaction:commensal and symbiotic
Corn would not exsist if it werent for humans. I would say it is very much domesticated. If it were not for people planting and protecting corn it would not be here.

Scientific name:Arachis hypogaea L.
common name:peanut
The peanut that we know today is very much domesticated. There are several species of the peanut that are still wild but the most common peanut is domesticated

Scientific name:Fragaria virginiana
common name:strawberry
Interaction:commensial and sybiotic
Strawberries are very domesticated. They have been changed and bred over the years to get what we know today as the strawberry. They are one of the only fruits that seed on the outside.

Scientific name:Medicago sativa ...
common name:hay
Interaction:Alfalfa, also known as lucerne in many other countries, is the most important forage crop in the United States. I would say that is domesticated as it was started here in the US.

Scientific name:Crotalus lepidus klauberi
common name:snake
They are definately not domesticated.

Scientific name:Eragrostrum spectablis
common name:grass
Interaction:commensial and sybiotic
I would say that grass is domestic. It was started and grown here in the US and over time people have made different types and uses for grass

Guinea Pig
Scientific name:cavia porcellus.
common name:guinea pig
One theory is that the guinea pig was brought here from Europe. They are not from New Guinea and they are not a pig so where it got its name is unknown. I would say that they are domesticated cause they are now pets.

Beta fish
Scientific name:Ikan Bettah
common name:fish
These are a common freshwater fish that I would say is domesticated. I could not find much information on where they originated.

Scientific name:Mus musculus
common name:mouse
The mouse has definately become domesticated over time. It is used for observations and experiments and have been a controlled specie in that environment. They also are a pest in the wild.

Scientific name:felis domesticus
common name:cat
Interaction:symbiotic and commensal
Over the years the cat has been domesticated. It was derived from the wild and has been tamed and used for domestic purposes such as pest control and companionship

Scientific name:canine
common name:dog
Interaction: commensal and sybiotic
The dog has also been domesticated over the years and has several uses such as companionship, working, aid for disabled, protection, law enforcement...ect

Palo verde tree
Scientific name:Cercidium floridum
common name:tree
I would not say that this tree is domesticated but it is our state tree.

Scientific name:equus caballus
common name:horse
Interaction:commensal and sybiotic
The horse is definately domesticated. It originated from what was known as the eohippus which was only about 3 feet tall and had three toes on each foot. It has evolved to what is now known as the horse that has many uses also such as riding, working and pulling a cart

Scientific name:bovine
Common name:cow
They have been said to have been domesticated for over 10000 years. They provide
many things such as meat, milk, and work.

Scientific name:Sus domesticus
Common name:pig
Pigs, also called hogs or swine, are ungulates which have been domesticated as sources of food, leather, and similar products since ancient times

Scientific name:Gallus domesticus
Common name:chicken
Interaction:symbiotic and commensal
The chicken is definately domesticated. It provides things such as eggs and meat.

Scientific name:Triticum aestivum
Common name:wheat
The origin of oats is somewhat unclear because there are so many different species and subspecies, which makes identification of old remains very difficult. It is domesticated and has several uses

Scientific name:Musca domestica
Common name:flies
The house fly is found world wide and was first recorded in Hawaii in 1869. It is definately not domesticated and is quite the pest.

Scientific name:Ctenocephalides
Common name:fleas
I am not too sure of their origin and I would not say they were domesticated.Unlike some pests encountered around the home, fleas cause discomfort and irritation to both pets and people. Fleas account for more than half of all dermatological conditions requiring veterinary assistance.

Demographics Online Lab

Country with low fertility rate

Country with high fertility rate
The country I chose for the low fertility rate was Denmark and the rate was 1.70.
The country I chose for the high fertility rate was Etheopia and its rate was 6.91.
The high fertility rate was high in the younger generations. I feel that this is because the younger age groups are the ones that are having more children because lack of knowledge and because it is the growing trend in population growth. They also are producing more offspring than the death rate. The result of this is going to be a increasingly larger and larger population as time goes on.
The low fertiliy rate was in the middle age groups. I feel that this is because it is the younger generations that are having more children these days than the middle age generations. This is due to the use of contraceptives in the middle age group and more knowledge. Also they are too busy trying to make a living to have children.
Young age groups: careless, bored, unmotivated, lack of knowledge, easily influenced by what is seen on tv, lack morals, worried about social status, not caring, no self worth, no sense of reality and work ethic
Middle age group: hard working, focused, more knowlegable, resposible, caring, busy, changing with the times, laid back, motivated

Fetal Developement Lab

This is a lab showing 10 different significant weeks during the duration of a pregnancy.

Week 4

During week 4 the fertilized egg makes it home in the uterus. The sex of the baby is determined by the sperm. At this point in the pregnancy the embryo is about the size of a pin head and is about one-hundredth of an inch long. This is when it starts to develop rapidly.

Week 10
The embryo is now refered to as a fetus. This is when the fetus begins movement as the muscles start to develop. Even though the movement begins at this point you cannot feel it because the fetus is still too small. It is about the size of a small strawberry. The neck is now taking shape and the ears and nose now become visible.

Week 15
This is when the second trimester begins. Movement of the legs and arms are starting and the baby can now make a fist. Toenails and fingernails are now becoming present. Now is when the tastebuds start to develope and he/she can start tasteing meals that the mom is eating. Also the roof of the mouth is completely formed at this time. He/she is approx. 4 in long.

Week 20

This is the mid point of the pregnancy! The baby can now hear and recognize moms voice. This is when you can start to feel the babies movement. This is also when the heart can be heard. The growth of hair on the body begins and the sex of the baby is now apparent. He/she is approx 7 in long.

Week 23
The bone in the inner ear is completely developed. This enables the baby to have a sense of balance and now he/she can move around more frequently. The baby can also suck now.

Week 27

This is when the third trimester begins. At approx. 2 lbs and approx. 14 in. long the baby appears now almost as it will at birth. The eyes can open and close and blink. This is when the retina is developing.

Week 30
The skin starts to smooth out at this point. In boys the testicles start to drop into to groin. They can now control their own body temperature. This is also where they start rapid weight gain and start to actually store the nutrients they are getting from mom. Now approx. 3 lbs and 16 in long.

Week 34

Now is when rapid growth is taking place. The fingernails are completely formed. The ears are now open when the baby is awake and closed when the baby is sleeping. At this point the baby has a good chance of survival outside the womb. At approx. 5.25 lbs and 18 ins long this is when the fat starts to accumulate on the baby.

Week 36
The fetus may start to drop into the birth canal. You also can start to feel contractions. The baby now weighs approx 6 lbs. The kidneys and the liver in the baby start to process things but the lungs still need to develope.

Week 38
Developement of the baby is mostly complete. At this point for the most part the baby has reached its final birht position. Also may have a full head of hair. Moms weight will not increase much from now until the time of birth.

Week 40

This is said to be the final week! Although only about 5 % of women have their baby on the said due date, most women give birth within 2 weeks before or after that date. This is when the baby will settle into the fetal position with his/her head down. The baby is now completely developed and ready to see the world!

Unit 4 Ethical Issue

World Resource Issues

  • Third World Countries

  • Will there be change

  • Should we continue help and change ourselves

The matter of the resources in the US has been a problem on the rise for many years. The US is slowly running out of resources. Even though we are a country of wealth and freedom, there is no regulation on certain thing and as time passes we are using up our resources needed for survival in the future. So how can we regulate these things so generations to come can survive without violating freedom?

Third World Countries

I think that the third world countries are over populated to begin with. With that being said it is all that they know. They do not have the finances to provide proper nutrition and health care and also they cannot afford the contraceptives to change the growth in the population. They also do not have the knowledge to change on their own for it is all that they know to do what they are doing. They consume less than the people here in the US also. Even though we would like to tell them to stop reproducing because it is causing problems throughout the would, we cannot do that.

Will there be change

The people in the US consume more than any other place in the world. Our economy is booming and although the resources are slowly running out the economy is not slowing down. Is it our need to continue to consume in mass quantities or is it our lack of knowledge to change? I think that it has to do with a little bit of both. We cannot tell people to limit the consumption of resources because that is a violation of our rights and freedoms. Also the people just lack the knowledge to change what we know and what we have been used to for so long.

Should we continue help and change ourselves

Even though we would like to get the third world countries out of the slump that they are in, no matter what we do to help them out they will remain in poverty. Where is their governments? They should be the ones trying to improve their countries not us. Although I do think that we should help them out the best that we can I think that no matter what we do things will not change. I also think that changing the way that we do things will not happen either. It is a nice thought to want everyone in this world to live free and healthy and have all the necessities but in reality it will never happen.

Self and Unit Evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I think that it would be the labs cause I put a lot of effort into them, the reviews because they were beneficial so I got into them, and the quizzes
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?An aspect I think I could have improved on would have been the time in which I gave myself to complete some of the work
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I believe it should be A-B
4. How could I perform better in the next unit?
Hard to answer that question cause this was the last unit but I believe I will be able to take this class knowledge to next semester and remember what it is about when taking classes online.

At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
I felt most engaged with the couse when I was doing the labs

At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course?
When I was working on all of my other schoolwork online

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful?
That Mr. Frolich was understanding with everything that was going on in my life during this semester

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing?
There was not anything that I found to be puzzling

What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.)
Actually what surprised me the most about this course was how much fun I had with it. Out of all the classes I took this semester I had the most fun with this one

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Review on 11,12

Chapter 11 The Senses

  • General senses

  • Special senses

The senses in humans are a large part of our everyday life. We need them to navigate and to function properly. There are two types of sense receptors in humans, general and special senses. The general senses are pain, light touch, temperature, and position. Some of these senses are encapsulated in nerve endings and some of them are left bare or naked. There are 5 categories that senses fit into and they are mechanoreceptor, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, and pain receptors. Given this the sensory stimuli can be internal or external.

Special senses are taste, smell, vision, hearing and balance. Taste is very important and it comes from receptor cells in the tongue that have microvilli that once food is broken down in the mouth it bonds to providing taste. There are 5 basic flavors that we taste and they are sweet, sour, bitter,salty, and umami. sweet comes from sugars, sours come from acidic, salty comes from metal ions, bitter comes from chemical substances, and umami is the meaty taste associated with MSG. Smell is acquired by receptor cells of the olfactory epithelium. Smell and taste greatly influence each other.

The visual sense is also a big part of our senses. This comes from the eye. There are 3 distinct layers of the eye and they are the outer layer, the middle layer and the inner layer. The outer layer consists of the sclera and the cornea. These allow the light to enter the eye. The middle layer is the choroid, ciliary body, and the iris. These regulate the light that enters the eye, regulates your lens allowing it to focus, and absorbes stray light.. The inner layer consists of the retina. This responds to the light converting it to nerve impulses.

Hearing and balance go hand in hand. The ear detects sound and body positions enabling us to balance. The ear consists of three parts also the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. The outer ear is the auricle, ear lobe and external auditory canal. The auricle directs sound waves into the external auditory canal where it directs it into the ear drum. The middle ear has the ear drum and the ossicles. The ear drum vibrates and sends the vibrations to the cochlea in the inner ear. The inner ear consists of the cochlea, semicircular canals, the saccule and the utricle. This is where it gets converted to nerve impulses that detects head movement and linear acceleration.

With these senses we can navigate as best as possible in modern life. they help us communicate and understand the world around us.

Chapter 12 The Skeleton and muscles

  • Structure and function of the skeleton

  • Skeletal muscles

The human skeleton consists of 206 bones. Bones provide structure and give shape to the human body. They also provide protection to the internal organs. There are two parts of the skeleton, the axial and the appendicular skeleton. Bone has what is called the compact bone and the spongy bone. The spongy bone is called this because of its spongy appearance. Inside the shafts of the long bones is what is called marrow. There is red marrow called this after its color. It is found in new bornes and produces red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets that are lost each day. Over time the red marrow turns to what is known as yellow marrow.

The joints in our body are what provide the movement. There are some that are not movable but for the most part we have what is called movable joints. These are known as the ovial joints. These provide a wide degree of movement. These joints are held together by what is known as ligiments. For the most part ligiments are inflexible. Tendons and muscles also provide structure and support in joints. There are laos ball and socket joints and hinge joints. There is a surgery that is known as arthroscopic surgery that can repair damaged joints with little trauma to the joint.

The are a few things that can affect joint and they are arthritis and rheumatiod arthritis. Arthritis is caused by wear and tear on the joints causing cartilage to flake and crack causing the bones to grind together and result in swelling and pain. Rheumatiod arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where the synovial membrane gets inflammed. These affected joints can be completely immobilized and/or dislocated causing the bone to collapse. This type of arthritis occurs mostly in people between the ages of 20 and 40. Although it is a permenant condition it can be treated.

In a newborn baby the bones are bowed and are very fragile. Over time they get stronger and they form.In order for this to properly occur you need to have sufficient calcium. Over the course of your life it is likely that you will break a bone. The bones have the ability to repair themselves. Also another problem that adults face is osteoporosis. This is a problem that occurs what the bones get brittle due to lack of calcium. This usually happens in older women, people who have been bed ridden for some time, or exposure to certain metals. Also smoking can affect this disease.

The skeletal muscles

The skeletal muscles play a large part in body movement. They maintain posture in movement and while at rest. These muscles contain fibers that are excitable and contractile. These take nerve impulses to cause muscle contractions. There are what is known as slow twitch and fast twitch fibers. The fast twitch fibers are the ones that perform rapid movement and the slow twitch fibers are what perform the slower movements. Muscles can be bulked up with excersize. In doing so you can also help your endurance.

Ethical Issues Essay


  • USA-Obesity

  • Consumer-marketing

  • Physical activity-or not


Here is the USA obesity is obviously a problem that is on the rise. It seems that over time this problem keeps getting worse and worse. It is a major problem in the younger generations and these seems to be the generations that are going to impact our future. It is sad that over time, our children have gotten more reliant on video games and television to get their entertainment therefore not getting out and finding things to do to occupy themselves with physical activity. With technology on the rise these modern advantages are really not such good things. And it seems that as the generations progress so does technology and promotions of these things and so does obesity. Also many of the fast food corporations focus on our younger generations.


As I stated before many of the fast food restaurants are focusing on our younger generations. In their marketing they are using more cartoons and kid related icons to promote their food. It is also more readily available for them to get to. With the economy the way that it is, parents are being forced to work more to make ends meet and they do not have the time anymore to make lunches for their children therefore they are resorting to just giving them money to go out and eat. With this happening, the lack of nutritional foods is not there and cannot be regulated. Also with the economy and parents working all the time we tend to resort to making things so readily available for quickness and convenience so the physical activity is going out the window. Back in the old days people had to work hard to make their homes and find food just to survive. It was a way of life and they did not know any better but they were also in way better shape and did not have the obesity problems that we do now.

Physical activity-or not

I do not think that kids and/or adults are not physically active enough. Promotions are all over on gyms and exercise programs but who has the time for that in their busy work and school schedules. I think that the time is there I just think that it gets put on the back burner because of the lifestyles that we live. With all this being said I feel that the obesity problem has been on the rise for many years and is not getting any better.