Monday, January 28, 2008

Entry Posting

My name is Shannon Bowser.I have attended Yavapai College on and off now for 5 years. I started out in the Equine program and really enjoyed that. I have been working with horses and training them for about 7 years but I have had horses since I was 5. I grew up in Bagdad, moved away for a while, and now I am back. I live a little ways outside of Bagdad now and I really enjoy it. I changed my career venture from helping horses to helping people. :) I am taking this class because it is one of the pre-requisits for the nursing program I want to go in to.

In this class I hope to be sucessful in learning about the human and the composition of the human and put this knowledge towards getting my RN.

I do not really have one specific artist I like because I like many.

Moving Up

I think I have figured out how to blog! This is something I have not done before...see I am learning already :)